Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Ode to Joy...

My first odanata (scientific order name of dragons and damsels and frequently shortened to "odes") of the year! And how delighted was I to see that the little chap was having a nice meal?!

I was actually out lurking around the garden with my macro lens, hoping to catch one of the elusive hoverlies that I'd fleetingly glimpsed ... or perhaps even one of the more menacing flying predators. I caught a flicker of motion and when I looked closer, there he was sitting on a tiny bit of mulch, having breakfast. Not sure what he's eating, perhaps a sawfly (which wouldn't be a bad thing since they decimated my hibiscus last summer).

This is fairly heavily cropped and I was handholding, so it's also not as crisp as I'd have liked ... but if I had gone in the house for a tripod, I'd have never found the little guy again. Mostly, I wanted to preserve the moment. And I have to wonder if the house wrens who are busy building several nests will soon be feeding this little ode to their nestlings... Oh, yes, I am utterly and completely geeky. I've earned the right to my geekiness.

Thanks for indulging me with yesterday's landscape. I was feeling melancholy yesterday - I am finding the prospect of moving somewhat daunting right now. As I have gotten older, I like more certainty in my life (much to my horror) and the prospect of so much change has thrown me a little off my game. Which pisses me off to no end. I'm sure I'll have some bad days now and again through this process ... but ultimately, it will all turn out well. Must keep reminding myself that this is going to be a fun, new adventure in my life!

Happy Tuesday, people...


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