One daze at a time...

By Raheny_Eye


Sign of Intelligent Life?
Could this be one of the rare sightings proving the existence of that elusive entity, the Dublin Corporation, as documented in Encounters of the Useless Kind by Professor Naseem O'Shaughnessy?
If this mysterious trace has indeed been left by the Dublin Corpo, it certainly rules out the intelligent life bit...

3 millimetres of snow and a European capital has come to a total standstill. Pepe has been giving out about the Corpo and their incapacity at gritting the roads ever since he's arrived. He is now sitting by the fire with a glass of Cognac and he is simultaneously warming up and cooling down.

PS: The Dublin Corporation does exist. There is more evidence than this cast iron manhole cover under the snow. I have checked my bank account and their direct debit on my account has gone through this year again. I wonder when the Tooth Fairy and the Easter Bunny will start charging for imaginary services...

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