Clan Chief

Lovely after the bells with some neighbours and friends. We let of some paper lanterns in the street, they were great and caught the imagination of the kids in the street.

We watched the castle fireworks and they set off some our own.

Eco mum and I popped home and were egtting stuff ready for the neighbours when 2 young ladies with very little on and high heels came stotting down the road. They both went up the drive of the house opposite and were going to squat and I assume pee, until they noticed Eco mum and I laughing at the window. They quickly adjusted their attire and carried on their wayward journey.

Cracked the sloe gin, sloe vodka and the damson gin all were very good.

I got up early took Juno for a long walk the hill was really busy, I picked up cans and bottles from last night celebrations and tidied up the hill as much as I could.

It must be a hard winter the rabbits have started to strip all the bark of the young and not so young trees, will try and find tree guards tomorrow and protect them.

It was the annual clan gathering today, it is nice just catching up with everyone. This young man is in his 97th year and his young lady hopefully will get a hip replacement soon so she can keep up with him.

I can remember when I was 14 I was really upset and crying as my grandad said that it could be his last New Year. 31 years on he is still turning out.

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