Eco Dad +

By EcoDad

Morning Stroll

Got up early and picked up my pal for a stroll through the Pentlands.

When we started out a blizzard came through so we decided to go low level. Juno loved running through the snow drifts, some were upto my waist at bits.

It cleared and we decided to hit the top of Caerketton. We met a hardly sole descending who confirmed no sheep about so Juno was allowed off the lead. The only other person out was a snowboarder walking up to board down away from the ski slope.

The only wildlife on view were grouse, not even attempting to take off in the cold wind and crows dramatically black in the white landscape.

A dramatic view of Edinburgh and Fife through the passing low clouds and snow showers from the summit. A great run down through the drifting snow and back down to the main road.

The ski slope road was closed so all the skiers were walking up, fantastic. Back for breakfast with the sleepy ecos.

Going to the Edinburgh rugby game this afternoon, with Eco son, so should be entertaining. Mixed feelings as Edinburgh born but played at Boroughmuir club when Sean Lineen(Glasgow coach) was about so like seeing him doing well. So will sit on fence and look forward to being entertained.

Juno is now lying very tired in front of the fire after her morning walk.

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