Busy Day......

Early start today - Bags line manager has gone off sick so she is doing overtime until she finishes working for the firm in a couple of weeks (the woman can't cope with the thought of actually having to work and do her job).

Shopping was over and done with by 9.15am and the kids were playing in the garden for most of the morning. The weather was nice but their grass is like walking on a wet sponge.
The Cygnet was doing his best to spread the weeds around.

Squirrel was out for the first time on the balance bike she has been given.
I am still not convinced about a bike without pedals.

Camera club tonight saw me removing a lock from the store cupboard, dashing off to buy a new one (there are an unknown number of keys floating about), nipping home to collect chisel and mallet ('standard size' locks aren't) and refitting it all before the judging of the best images of the year started.
The judge is somebody I have known from work for too many years to mention.
He made good choices for the best images - despite not giving me a first. Later he admitted to trying to work out which if any were mine but not being 100% sure. (He was right with one).

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