Woods and Shadows

The day didn't start well. On hitting the main road I found myself behind not one but two tractors. Sigh...Mind you the night before hadn't been much better. A restless night where it was hard to get to sleep for worrying about your nearest and dearest. Mr Lif often says that I would worry about the baggage retrieval system at heathrow. This makes him laugh. ;) At around 3 a.m. just as I was finally drifting off I heard Poppy dog starting to have one of her fits. Poor wee lass. Sadly, there is not much you can do but chat to her calmly till she comes out of it :(

I am glad the weekend starts here and now! And a trip out to meet one of my longtime blip buddies for the first time tomorrow. Excited!

As for the picture? I seem to have a penchant at the moment for lurking in the shadows. There are worse ways to spend an evening

Chin chin x

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