
By MelanieMay

"We never change do we. We never learn do we"

So here I am again, 1 hour 20 mins to go till my 3000 word assignment has to be handed in and I have 43 words done, which consists of the cover page. This is the latest I have ever left anything. I'm never going to get it done on time, but I had so many good and bad distractions this week. The good distractions were worth it and the bad distraction I realise now wasn't worth it and I should have nipped it in the bud ages ago. Anyways, also in the photo is another late night coffee but caffeine doesn't seem to have an effect on me any more so I need to find something else, crack? speed? red bull? Also, you can see a phone battery, I had to buy a new one as I am on my phone so much that my battery only lasts four hours before needing to be recharged so now I have a spare back up battery which I can just switch around when the other dies. This makes me happy!

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