
By middaypyjamas

Hangin’ About

This photo is particularly apt to my day because I spent quite a bit of it hanging about. Yesterday I ordered a mattress from ikea that was getting delivered today, and I had to go to work and had planned to meet my Dad near his work at the docklands for lunch. The delivery company messaged me yesterday to say that the mattress would be coming between 7am and 1pm. Great, chances are pretty good that my mattress will arrive, I can go have lunch and then go to work in the afternoon. Wrong. Unfortunately when they say between 7am and 1pm they actually mean twenty past one. This meant I had to cancel the lunch and then rush to work. However I do now have a pretty great mattress that I’m looking forward to sleeping on tonight. While waiting around I spotted this little guy creeping over my windowsill and snapped his profile as he sped about.

Work actually went pretty well and I managed to get a lot done in the three hours I was there for. This evening I’m heading over to a gig at the Northcote Social Club to see a guy called Dustin Tebbutt, can’t wait.

- Damian

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