
By middaypyjamas

Lines in the Sky

After a wonderful sleep on my new mattress I was pretty loath to actually get out of bed this morning. I did eventually force myself up and out and onto work. Work went, as it always does, and I was out of there by lunch time.

This weekend I had decided to dedicate all my time to working on my screenplay as the treatment for it is due this week. Primarily getting all the plotting out. I spoke the other day about the challenges of filling in the holes in you plot and just making decisions about the various multiple directions your story can go when it can just about go anywhere. So this weekend is all about making those decisions. I did about an hour on it before going out to get lunch, during which time I happened to run into Jon who was having lunch with his friend George.

I went back home and after enjoying lunch I got back to work. I worked on it until five and by that time I had the basics of my plot jotted down over a number of pages. There are still points that's need to improved upon and probably a few ideas that need to be cleared up but it's still a good step forward. Tomorrow I plan to write it up nice and neat and if possible clear up and improve as many of those points as I can.

After sitting and working my brain out for so long I needed to get up and do something physical so I got my running gear out and went for a five km run. It was a perfect way to end my working day. The weather was beautiful just as twilight was coming on and it felt really good to get my body moving and my legs pumping as the running path passed beneath my feet.

I didn't take many photos today, being cooped up for most of it, and so I ended up using a different angle of an old favourite, the power lines near my work.

- Damian

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