over the top...

if yesterday was all about activity and wishing for a great fun and adventure-filled year ahead, today was a complete contrast...this day would go down in the record books as one of the laziest saturdays of recent times...huh! so much for a new year resolution...I was so lazy today, that it didn't even occur to me that I still havent blipped for the day...okay, it's not like I have done nothing...I made coffee...and you see that froth...and the bubbles in the froth - they were carefully grown on the milk, one at a time, by careful and precise blowing of compressed air into the coffee...now that takes a lot of skill and effort! see, am not lazy!

ah, dont mind the spill around the mug...the domestic help will arrive tomorrow morning and clean it up...

I had plans to do some engineering on my bike today - want to understand how exactly the gears work...the pedal is also squeaking - needs some lubrication...thought of getting some shopping out of the way and meeting some college friends in the town...but the laziness bug is a toughie to beat!

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