Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Looking good!

Hubs and I got the paint stuff down on the deck today - well, in truth, Hubs did most of it while I did some garden clean-up and more sorting of stuff. While we were both working outside, we were kept company by a constant stream of birds including the usual contingent of Downy Woodpeckers. I pfaffed around a bit with the macro lens today, too, but my hands were so sore from yesterday that I didn't really put a lot of effort into photography today.

Four macro photos from today posted on Flickr, starting HERE.

Tomorrow we are having the house "deep cleaned" by two cleaners who will do a top-to-bottom cleaning. With the deck done and the house squeaky-clean, we can finally get some realtors in to do the comps and dazzle us with their presentations...

Thank you so very much for the wonderful feedback on my photo yesterday! I appreciate all of the comments and encouragement. I hope to work on my "water-skills" more when I move to FL - it was mucho fun to play with long exposures and the ND filter. Must do more of that...

Off to cobble together something for dinner.



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