As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

From Sea To Mountain Peaks

I literally love all of my friends. If you're my friend, I love you.

I woke up at 9:30 and by 10:15 I was picking up Max to get TB. We then got Chris and accidentally drove to Robert Moses at the end of Ocean Parkway. It was beautiful. I was schedule to tutor at noon, so those two just wandered around Massapequa for two hours while I was busy. After that, we stopped at Subway so I could get lunch before our run. We scooped up Roc and drove to Merrick Mountain. A relaxing 5 miles up and around the hill was just what I needed today.

Home for dinner before K-Po picked me up and took me to Ralph's. We met Tommy, Thomas, and SHANNON WHO IS FINALLY BACK HOME AND I LOVE HER TOO MUCH. We walked around with our ice cream and caught up for a few hours. K-Po leaves for London on Tuesday, so we won't all get to be together again for a few months.

Ocean Child.

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