Family airerloom

When I saw my sister's blip yesterday I knew I'd have to take a photo of the family airer that is now at home in our mas.

Our parents had it in their back kitchen (I think) and when they moved house, which more or less coincided with my daughter being born, they passed it on to me to help with the nappy drying... at which point it got shortened to fit in the gap between kitchen cupboards. In the next house it was fantastic for drying washing over the gas fire in the back room and also for receiving wet coats, gloves and socks after a walk. The pulleys aren't the original ones, because they were never found after moving to Spain so Steve had to fabricate some.

I'm not bringing it back to the UK with me, there'll be nowhere to put it, but just think Nicky, you could have been the proud owner of one of the family airerlooms!

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