Walking Wombat

By WalkingWombat

Bird Magnet!

I often get asked why we appear to have such a lot of bird life visit us at Wombat Hollow. I know in recent years we have more birds than ever and we have put it down to the fact that we added a water feature to the garden.

As well as the two water tanks we always make sure that we have half a dozen bird baths full to the brim so the birds know that one way or another there will be a constant supply of water for them. They do seem to favour the birds baths and recently we have had up to 12 New Holland Honey Eaters having a bath at the same time.

The top tank is always very calm and serene while the bottom tank is full of life with water flowing into it from the top tank via the open channel and the water level kept at the same level in both tanks due to the galvanised iron pipe at the side regulating the flow.

I hate to admit it but I'm sure my little Jack Russell Georgie Wall was part of the reason that many birds stayed away for years.
Georgie was never very keen on other animals and birds invading her territory. Sadly she passed away two years ago, but I had the great pleasure of her company for sixteen and a half years. She would have made a wonderful Blip subject, that's for sure.

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