Our Journey is a process

By journeysprocess

Columbia Gorge #6: Paddlewheeler

Late this afternoon, I talked the family into a short hike down the Catherine Creek trail. It isn't really a hike, since the trail is paved. But for my 82 year old mother, it is a stroll in the park.

What is really wonderful about her is that she doesn't look anywhere near her age, nor does she act like it. Just a little over two years ago, you could not say that. At that time, she was slowly dying. She had difficulty breathing even if she walked across the street. We found out that she had congestive heart failure. After a couple of weeks in the hospital, the doctors stabilized her medication, then they installed a pacemaker to regulate her heart. Six short months later, she was walking miles instead of blocks and had no trouble walking uphill. Now, she shows no signs of stopping. I thank God everyday for the times I have to be with her.

That is why the current situation with my brother is so concerning. The seizure he had last week scared the "living daylights" out of my mom - of course to see a loved one have a seizure is not easy for anyone. But he lives with my mom and they are quite close. Before my father died 14 years ago, my brother promised my dad that he would take care of my mother, and he has done more than anyone could for her - even give up his lucrative career in Alaska. Even though he is my "baby" brother (I actually call him my big-little brother), I am incredibly proud of him and what he has done so selflessly. So, while I am thanking the Lord that his seizure wasn't serious at that moment, I am also asking the Lord that this is an isolated incident and nothing serious in the long term.

We have been having a wonderful time since we have been here. While we have had some issues to discuss with my mom and brother, we have viewed this time as a mini-vacation. The weather has been marvelous, and this evening was a wonderful example.

I do apologize for not commenting on everyone's journals. I do look at everyone's photos, but I only have limited internet time here, so my commenting is serious curtailed. We will be heading back to Reno soon, and I hope to get caught up then.

Have a wonderful weekend! And for those in the US, have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend.

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