Englishman in Bandung

By Vodkaman


This is not about China, but a problem of global magnitude. The statistics for schizophrenia are frightening with 0.3% to 0.7% of populations being affected, according to research.

This is of course just a layman’s diagnosis and not fact.

I see this chap every day. He sits opposite me on the other side of the dual carriageway. He looks through me and rants away at his daemons, waving his arms about in a descriptive manner and mouthing the words of a stern talking to, but making no sound.

The reason that I took this image to bring to you, is that the numbers indicate that this terrible mental disorder is closer to us all than we might care to admit. This affliction is still largely not understood and could still be broken down into many sub-orders, like this gentleman’s paracusia. Often Schizophrenia is a silent and unobserved disorder. We need to pay more attention to our loved ones, as early diagnosis and quality help makes a big difference.


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