Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Zero seconds to lift-off...

This is truly a quick blip. We finished the Garage sale (made over $800, so not bad for a day's work...) and I took my macro lens out to the garden. I saw a bunch of sawflies and this interesting little guy. I think this is a red milkweed beetle, but I'm not certain. I'll be back later with a correct ID if possible.

For now, I am going to go upstairs for a nap with Hubs. We are both exhausted - we were up at 0'dark-hundred to set up for the sale and the first people started flowing in at about 9:30. We did a brisk business until 2, then had to box up the unsold items and bring them in. All in all, it was a pretty exhausting day - however, the weather was perfect so it was nice being outside all day.

I'll be back tomorrow... Meanwhile, I thank you for sending my goldfinch to the Spotlight yesterday- much appreciated. You are all lovely people.

Happy Sunday!


PS: I got a positive ID on the little red guy - he's a Cocklebur Weevil (Rhodobaenus tredecimpunctatus). Because he feeds on plants that many farmers consider weeds, he's viewed as a good bug. And cute, too, don't you think?

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