As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

Symphony #3

Just another lovely day.

I woke up a little before 9:00 and picked up Chris to get TB with me before the Memorial Day Parade. It's weird to think about how today was my first and last parade with the WHS band. Crazy. The parade went well; no stops, no fainting, and it really wasn't even that hot.

I drove Chris and Henry home before going on a quick run. After a shower, I picked up JimJam, Collins, Brian, and CKBaby to go play frisbee at Mepham. We met Chris, Chuckie, and Fish there, and eventually Brandon and Dean joined us. My team lost, but I still had fun.

Slurpees with the Wantagh kids before heading home.

A nice dinner followed by hours of editing together clips from today's time at Mepham, only to discover now (11:28) that it's very difficult to export a 7:24 video. Oops. Hopefully I'll figure it out soon. If not tonight, there's always tomorrow.

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