Tractor Factory Photos

By TractorFactoryPhotos

Customer Service...

This Blip is dedicated the one and only Brian Black of Kirkcaldy.

I really hate when things go wrong with my car coz I hate having to deal with garages. Our battery light started coming on. Tamara phoned up a Ford garage to see what we should do about it and they couldn't book it in until Monday and wanted to charge us £80 just to put the car on some machine and have a look at it. Phoned up a friend to ask if he knew any local mechanics. He introduced me to Brian Black. They took the car at 7:30pm and my mate picked it up and brought it this morning. Turned out the turbo intercooler thing had been disconnected in the process so just took it over to my mates house, they picked it up and dropped it back, turbo re-instated, within about 15 mins. All that was needed was some wiring re-connected, not a new (£200 odd at least) alternator.

That, is how garages should work...

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