As Told By Ginger

By 9to12


Another lame picture, I know, but I've just been so busy lately.

Easy gym test this morning.

I really like Shawshank.

Italian, speech-writing, and My Hero.

Silly Blake.

Eye-rolling, art show, and Starbucks with Jac.


State Quals day one today. As jkcjcjcwlskc (honestly couldn't find the word for how I felt; that doesn't happen often) as I felt about running the 3200 today, it ended up going really well. I was seeded last but came in 9th, and I RAN 9:59.2!!!! I FINALLY BROKE TEN!!!!!!

Easily the high point of my day. All signs just pointed to that, from Rissy telling me "Don't be a bitch" to being reminded to "GET THERE" last night. Something I lost touch with (but can I really say I ever was 'in touch' with it? For now, I will) but I'm trying to get back to.

Somehow, I became the Wantagh liaison for JFK's frisbee tourney. Cool.

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