Moving Into The Unknown

By dvdlodi

Beverly, MA

On my way back from Boston to Maine I stopped in Beverly, MA to see friends, Kent and Tricia. While waiting for them to arrive I had a conversation with Roy, who was sitting on a park bench near the First Baptist Beverly Church. Roy is homeless and at the age of 57 told me he is basically waiting to die. "I'm in survival mode," he said. "I like to drink too much, but I don't need AA," he told me "because I'm not looking to change." He said "survival mode is when you just try to figure out how best to get by until you die." Roy eats free meals at the local churches and takes donations from anyone willing to help. He has quite a sense of humor, telling me several jokes which had me genuinely laughing.

It was a beautiful, sunny day in Beverly and I'm glad I had the chance to chat with Roy. Thanks for sharing your laughter with me today.

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