Art is Well Hidden

I took a short walk in our area seeing it was such beautiful day, cold, not wind and sunny. This building going upon the corner of Colombo and Peterborough Streets, I have been documenting it from the start. Here is the blip I did in March and you can see how much they have progressed since then. This is a shot of the the street art that was on the wall which now is covered up. It was great that the street art was covered up and not removed. In years to come it someone may uncover it again. Here is another blip I did January of the foundations going down.

The building with the street art on it I blipped in December of it being painted. It was painted as part of the RISE street-art festival who commissioned a dozen large street-art paintings in the city centre, while the From the Ground Up project has organised about 16 large artworks in the city centre and Sydenham.

Christchurch business owners and city leaders believe street art will help regenerate areas hit hard by the earthquakes and draw tourists to the city.

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