Portugal - day 7

Hired bikes yesterday and cycles along the coast road to the place that we had previously set out to walk to. It was a good deal easier on a bike.

Had lunch at the 'House of Wonders'; the place with the rooftop terrace. Meze again. Delicious. Possibly one of the best salads I have ever had. I can't think of a better way of ending the holiday than by having lunch there again today.

Tried to play Bohnanza last night. It's a game that I've had for several years but never got round to playing. Las night, I was reminded why. I suspect it is a simple game once you have the hang of it but the instructions are long winded and too make things worse, the gameplay differs according to the number of players. We gave up and played Blokus. I got beaten twice. I've never beaten Di at Blokus! Most frustrating.

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