Swimming Against The Tide

By ViolaMaths

Ale Muller

When my Granny died a few years ago she left me her copper post horn, which had fascinated me from childhood. It used to hang on her wall and I used to take it down and try to play it whenever we went to visit, usually putting fingermarks on it when it had been freshly polished.

Also hanging on her wall was this rather curious object. I never actually knew what it was, but since it hung on the wall alongside the post horn, I inherited it too, by default really. At the time my uncle said he thought it was a "beer warmer"!

It turns out he was pretty much correct, although I believe they're really known as ale mullers! It's made of copper, which I think is very beautiful, and apparently you're supposed to warm your ale in it, and maybe add spices like people do to wine at Christmas parties.

Was feeling a bit cold and fed up today, so thought something with lovely memories and warming comforting associations would be appropriate.

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