
By Angelique


Took Phoebe out for a run across the fields this afternoon and spotted this wild 'dog rose' coming into flower. It was only when I loaded the photo on the computer did I notice the company. See how many insects you can spot, especially if you go large.

Been a busy day, as we rehearsed this afternoon, which seemed to sooth Phoebe off to sleep. Then I worked on one of the stain glass projects and managed to grind the edges on 38 small pieces. Although it probably takes less time because of the size, it is more fiddly.
Now on the copper foil stage which is the tricky bit!

Cant believe it's Wednesday already tomorrow, time seems to be flying by.

Hope today has been kind to you! It's sometimes difficult to stay positive and cheery. At times like that I find its easier to think of all the bad things that haven't happened or someone else who is suffering. It makes you realise that you are blessed, even though it might not feel like it at the time.
And on that 'note' I leave you with love and hugs. xx

Already Wednesday

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