Mob Rule (Me And My Shadow)

I’ve watched a crow mobbing a buzzard this week and, more surprisingly, a cormorant doing the same, flying much higher than I have ever seen one fly before.

As Jazzy dog and I made our way to the field after lunch we spotted a squirrel on the path. That’s nothing new but this one was being mobbed by one of my resident grey wagtails! That is new. I’m afraid I don’t like squirrels and consequently neither does Jazz. She weighed in to help the bird. The squirrel scarpered and I thought I saw another bird fluttering close to the ground. Could my wagtail chicks have fledged?

We hung around the boiler-house but there was no sign of fledglings. However when I went near the building the adult wagtails mobbed me. They’ve always been very accepting of my presence and have never done that before.

Eventually we gave up and togged a wren, a long-tailed-tit and a bald chiff-chaff, which were taking it in turns on the same dead tree.

As we returned the wagtails started mobbing us again. I was excited and delighted to discover two fledglings in the glasshouse, living amongst the junk, the tomatoes and asparagus. You can’t tell from my pic but they haven’t got elegant long tails yet though they really wag.

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