My day

By 59

Campsite at Nashdale

Tonight we were invited to a masquerade ball birthday party at the Nashdale Hall. Nashdale is a village ( it has a couple of houses, hall and school) 10 kilometres south of Orange. It is about an hours drive from home so we brought our camper van and have it in our friends back paddock, in between the chooks, sheep and cattle, dog and vineyard. The view was lovely as we arrived in the setting sun. It is going to be frosty tonight so hopefully we will keep warm.

Four friends had a joint party ( they all turn 50 this year) and they had guests from Perth, Adelaide and even Nottingham in England. Just about everyone dressed up in Dinner suits, fancy dresses and masks. It is not easy wearing a mask over your spectacles so mine spent the evening perched on top of my head. I asked my hubby to take some pictures of me but we both decided I am better looking through the view finder not in front of the lens! My beauty must be under the surface. Ha ha ha.

Anyway the good news was that I fitted into an old outfit I made for a ball about 20 years ago, so it has had its second outing...I have recently shed about 10 kilos so fit into my clothes a bit better. I used the 5/2 or Fast diet method, the only one I could ever master.

In Australia we celebrate the Queen's birthday this weekend so all have Monday as a public holiday. I find it odd that we have a monarch from another country but that is another story. Yes we share Queen Elizabeth with a whole lot of other countries. I admire her personally but would prefer to have our own head of state.

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