There's a storm coming

As I set off on the dog walk this morning it was hot and humid and I left my coat in the car, taking pictures of beautiful poppies as the sky darkened.

I got very wet on the way back!

Have spent most of the day listening on audio to Jim Crace's book "Harvest" - it's absolutely brilliant and I could not turn it off. I initially subscribed to "audible" last year when I was struggling with a Will Self book. Seems I have been paying a subscription ever since and not I downloaded this one.

I love reading but "Audible" really works for me at the moment as the regular time I get for myself is dog walking and then I can multi-task, listen, exercise and walk the dog.

But is it cheating? Book, audio book and film, all tell the author's story, so what is the MOST important element?. I'd love to know what people think.

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