
By weewilkie

a circus so simple, so fine

This is the closing dance of the Kawa Circus. A very lo-fi affair that you can imagine travelling from village to village across Rajasthan, India and any far flung place. Up sticks and off they go.

It is all about agility, colour, movement and music. The music being beats and jangles. The agility being acrobatics spinning pegs from a contraption in the mouth, tent tightrope walking, ascending a pole and spinning on top like a helicopter. The colour is in the backdrop of the tent and the clothes, particularly those worn by the lass.

The crowd loved it all. Clapping and moving and cheering to the feats and beats. To the wonderfully graceful dance moves from the wee darling.

In this age of superfast cyber worlds that flash and bang and insist on instant upon instant of attention there was real beauty in the simplicity of colour and movement of the human form. Simple feats performed brilliantly brought out such a communal joyous experience with only a few sticks, and bells and drums and bright cloth designs. Is this something we are losing in our cyberworld? Would it be deemed as too crude and naff by some?

I really hope not, because losing this we lose that greatest of all human needs. That of connection. Eye to eye, clapping and moving within a simple beat. Dancing to the colour of human design moving like the finest ballet. Smiles all round.

Ohhh, and the sun popped its head out.

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