Occasionally Focused

By tsuken


I'm feeling well-pleased with myself today. I had decided I wanted to make a loaf of bread; at the last minute I decided to try to make something like Vogel's bread, which I understand used to be available in Australia, but is no longer. This is a Very. Bad. Thing. As a Kiwi, I need Vogel's bread; it is a basic stuff of life. Thus I set about aping it - with, I think, a fairly-decent measure of success.

Also made today, with the assistance of missy-moo, was a little plastic greenhouse for herbs, from Jamie Oliver. She greatly enjoyed decorating it with the supplied stickers; here she's showing it off to her brother, who was more interested in one of his (many) car books than the greenhouse. ;-)

Click to engreenhousenate.

Industar 50-2 on Pentax K-30.

Inside, so big noise again, but overall I like the look.

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