Early morning light

We're back home now to the land of technology and communication. Did you miss me ? I missed you all so I'm looking forward to catching up on all your blips and will be adding backblips when I get the time.

I was up very early at 4.15am this morning. We stayed an extra night as no one was using the self catering until Monday and the owners said there was no rush for us to go and could stay if we wanted to.
The sun rose over the trees and spread light on to the fields just outside the backdoor. I wandered down to see the horses and two hares were busy feeding in on the long grass and buttercups. The oyster catchers had returned and were sitting on the fence posts. Something must have been lurking around last night as we could hear them piping a warning on and off . A dog fox can be seen in the bottom fields sometimes but we did nt see him.

Although we stayed just a few miles away from home it was great to explore somewhere different and the even better we were home in under an hour :)

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