Little toadstools

This tree trunk was covered in tiny, almost translucent toadstools. Miss MB and I spent a happy while photographing them. I didn't have my macro lens with me, so my trusty 50 mm was put through its paces. I'd like to go back with the correct equipment some time to do them justice.

Mr B and I had a lovely breakfast together while the girls had a sleep in. Finally, they emerged and were duly fed and watered.

We decided to catch up with Broinlaw, M and his lovely wife, N for a walk in the forest. Cousteau was able to mooch around off lead and he even made a new friend in the process. His foot really is on the mend now and he raced around, having a great time.

We ate sandwiches in the park before taking the girls home. A bit of to-ing and fro-ing later and off to M and N's for dinner, while my hubby did some fixing of stuff for them.

I had to protect Cousteau from 3 year old W, as he has no fear of dogs and was tormenting the poor fellow!

Home late to bed (for us) and a restless night with too many thoughts rolling through my head. I could tell that Mr B was experiencing the same thing.

Night all.

~The Barkings~

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