A very clever cunning plan

Today I went to the river to play with my white bouncy ball. It was a lovely sunny afternoon and I was really hot so I was glad I had the river to swim about in.

However, this afternoon I was feeling really energetic and bouncy so when I realised that we were on the return route of our walk, I devised a very clever cunning plan so that I could stay out for longer........................

.....................What I did was....................... I hid my white bouncy ball in some water weeds and then pretended that I didn’t know where it was. How clever was that????

I got to swim around for ages pretending to look for it. Ann kept saying, ‘Molly, go find your ball.’ She kept telling me I was a good girl because she thought I was swimming around looking for it, when in reality I was just having extra play time.

Eventually though, Ann got fed up and said, ‘Molly, your bouncy ball is obviously lost. Let’s go home.’

Well, I still didn’t want to come out of the water so I just ignored Ann and carried on playing. But Ann walked off and I thought she was going to leave me in the river all by myself. So I quickly retrieved my ball from its hiding place, jumped out of the river and went racing back to Ann.

Ann was soooooo pleased when she saw that I had my white bouncy ball. She gave me loads of praise and told me I was a very clever girl.

.....................I’m a lot cleverer than she thinks! My very clever cunning plan earned me almost half an hour of extra play time!!!!!! Yay!

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