Not what I expected!

A lovely evening in the garden. I topped up the bird feeders and the water dish, and I was going to settle down in the garden with a book and my camera to wait to try to catch some bird photos for blip.

I then noticed this chap appear on the garden wall and he surveyed the garden for a few minutes, looking almost like a statue on my gate post, before descending down into the garden. He then sneakily started to have a drink from the bird bath! The cheek of it. After a while he slinked down the path towards me and settled down on the patio in the sun for a few minutes, before resuming his round of the gardens and he clambered (slightly un-elegantly) up the trellis and into next doors garden. Then the birds came back!

I'm off back to catch a few rays in the garden now. Enjoy the sunshine

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