'Growing Up'

This is certainly not the greatest photo, but when I was looking at this tonight I noticed how much older our baby Bella is looking now.

She has such a great, fun personality too. Tonight the kids asked me if I could make them a chocolate milkshake and she wanted to help me. After she had spooned in the cocoa, sugar and a scoop of vanilla ice cream into the blender she called out to me 'Daddy, can you come and cook the milkshake now'. I had to laugh and she also recognised what she had just said and laughed too.

After picking up the kids tonight we stopped off to see our local firewood man just down the road to pick up a car boot full of red gum for the fire, plus a huge bag of red gum chips to get the hot coals going. As I went to pay him, I realised that I was $10 short and didn't have any more cash in my wallet as the ATM swallowed my card on Tuesday. I only have a Visa card at the moment, be he only takes cash payments. He said don't worry, just drop by tomorrow night on your way home, no problem. I don't feel comfortable owing people money so I said wait a minute I might have enough loose change in the car and luckily I managed to scrape together the $10 with about 20 cents left over and felt better being able to fully pay him.

Anyway, when I arrived home the new card from the bank was waiting in the letter box so I can now withdraw some more cash tomorrow.

Dyl's seems to have come down with whatever Bella had last weekend now and has gone to bed with a sore head and throat too. Hope he manages to sleep okay tonight.

This weekend can't come quickly enough, looking forward to some down time after such a huge week and hopefully I can clear my head of this cold also, which is starting to fade today I feel.

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