Summer Pool Party!

Wednesday was the long awaited, "end of the school year pool party!" The whole school is invited, and it is always so very fun. Sugar Bear looks forward to it for months.

The morning started with a doctors appointment for me to discuss some issues I've been having. I thought it was going to be quick and easy...but it took a few different turns, and I had to call on a friend to come get The Sugar, so she could have fun at the pool party. I'm so grateful for such wonderful friends.

I wrapped things up at the doctors, and yes, I'm fine. I then went to join Sugar at the party. I did not swim, but I had a blast taking photos, as usual. This was the first year that Sugar braved the rope swing. She LOVED it.

Afterwards, we headed on home to spend a few hours. We checked on the bunnies, and one of the babies is doing well, and it is still touch and go for the other. Poor little honey.

Later we went back into town so Sugar could attend Tap class, and then she went home with her cousins for a sleepover/playdate. I went on home for a quiet evening alone.

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