Home & Away

By HeidiAndDolly

Checking Things Out!

I finally made a decision and bought my new tent. I decided to set it up and try it out this weekend. Dolly seemed to like it.

I took this picture today just before packing it all away, but I slept in in on Friday night. Unfortunately, it was probably the worst night to do so. I knew it was supposed to rain but I don't mind camping in the rain and it was a good chance to test out how waterproof it would be. However, shortly after going to bed, it started to pour and an almighty thunderstorm passed by. On reflection, I probably should have gone back inside - I thought this thing was never going to quit! Now - I love a really good thunderstorm and miss their almost daily occurrence in the years I lived in Colorado. But I would have much preferred to be safe inside watching the light show, than trapped in my little tent!

Dolly seemed to not be bothered by the storm, but she's almost deaf, so she probably knew nothing!

I hope I get to go on some 'real' camping trips this summer! At least I know now that my tent is waterproof!

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