Gitama's World

By Gitama

Whales & Rainbows

Up at the Point today we sighted some whales and as my eyes were scanning the horizon for another flap and spit from them the rainbow appeared.
As you can see my minimalist experiment has taken a dive...the clouds are back.

It seems fruitless to pin anything down these days....less stressful and much more fun.

I am sorry for my absence from your journals the last few days...there have been some things that have needed taking care of.
Today I went for some long blood tests...for some reason it has all left me feeling that I was just attacked by a vampire and rather tired ...I am thinking its nearly bed time already for me.

Thank you all so much for your kind comments and really does mean heaps.....I will get around to you all tomorrow.

“Try to be a rainbow in someone's cloud.”
― Maya Angelou

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