Journey Through Time

By Sue

The Yellow Rose of Texans

This yellow rose belongs to my neighbors across the street, who are from Texas, hence the title.

For the first time in quite a few days, the sun came out and it was delightful sitting outside with the sun on my back, sipping a cool beverage and enjoying a few minutes of peace and quiet...or what passes for peace and quiet in the 'burbs.

Our son wasn't feeling at all well yesterday or this morning so he left his work early and didn't go in today. He is mostly recovered and is bringing over some of his garage sale items tonight. Hopefully whatever was wrong with him isn't contagious. Hmmm, just thought of that.

A trip to the mall library and then a quick tour of the mall (ours is fairly small) and then back home for some of the aforementioned sun worshipping was today's highlights. Exciting stuff, I know.

Best go clean the kitchen. Will the excitement never end? Oh the life of a Domestic Goddess. See ya later.

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