Hypericum, or Rose of Sharon, can be beautiful in the right place, or it can be invasive and take over. When we first moved in, we had lots of trees in the garden and this had obviously been planted for ground cover, as not much will grow under a tree. However, we had to remove quite a lot of the trees, but it took much longer to get rid of the Hypericum. Some remains, under the blackberry bushes, and I haven't really looked at the flowers for sometime.

This morning, I decided that I should really try and use the "new" camera (although it's not so new now), rather than just defaulting to my iPhone. I walked around the garden taking los of shots and this is the result of the macro setting. It's still not perfect, but I'm getting there.

I guess we are all a bit like this at times - because we are comfortable with something, we tend to stick to doing the same thing over and over again rather than launching out and trying something new. Moving out of our comfort zone can be a painful experience and can even make us vulnerable, but sometimes it just has to be done - so perhaps I had better start taking that camera with me more!

I need to print out this quote and put it up somewhere prominent!

“Coming out of your comfort zone is
tough in the beginning,
chaotic in the middle,
and awesome in the end…
because in the end,
it shows you a whole new world !!
Make an attempt..”
Manoj Arora

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