Now, as I see it......

By JohnRH

Stolen idea

I haven't been feeling 100% this week. Oh, nothing serious, just a stiff neck and occasionally a little queasy. I thought I'd put those symptoms into Google and see if I could find what it was; apparently I've either got Viral Meningitis or I'm pregnant. I think the former is highly unlikely, and if it's the latter? Given my age and gender, I'd better get myself an agent.

Anyway, to today's picture. I've stolen an idea. Yesterday I saw this Blip from Bucks Life and really liked the effect, so I thought I'd have a go myself. I'm quite pleased with the result but I don't think it's as good as the one I copied; I've got too much movement. Nevertheless, it's an interesting effect and I might try it out some time with traffic or people.

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