
By Katy8

Thankful for....

-a husband who supports my photographic passion
-winter solstice- late sunrises and early sunsets
-my gum boots- icy cold water but dry feet
-Jasper , my 4 legged photographic assistant who is willing to brave any conditions to - accompany me (although he really needs to learn the names of the filters and learn to -hand them to me to optimise his help)
-electric seat warmers in the car for after the shoot
-the beautiful area in which I live
-caramel latte and passionfuit white choc scones for brekky
-that my hard drive IS backed up!

Sincere thanks for your kind comments and faves on my post Phew.... which helped it reach the spotlight.

This is the lovely Gorokan jetty- quite charming in its dereliction and incredibly different at different times as you can see it in an earlier post in the late afternoon on a grey and raining day here called Nature's mono

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