A Rosy Twilight.......

...and one of the wee fisher folk.
And he stayed still long enough for a LE...bonus...it did take quite a few shots though.

Flynn took his little plastic fishing rod to the river this afternoon...he put it in the water and a little fish kept coming up to nibble on it...(just asking for trouble if you ask me)...I have proof...how amazing is that.

Rumi is doing a little better and yes....we did both get some sleep last night.

It's Saturday night..and the Solstice...who would of thought that it would come to me rather being at home in my cozies rather than any type of social interaction. Hmmmm! I am wondering what could tempt me these days...I'm sure there's something.

I think that when I gave up drinking and smoking things radically changed for me.
I think that starting blip changed things also...I mean when ones sees a sky like this and spends time down by the river everything else seems to pale by comparison.....especially when the camera is full of it.....and I feel full and content.

HAPPY SOLSTICE....may your days getting longer or shorter (wherever you are) be wonderful.

“I want God to play in my bloodstream the way sunlight amuses itself on the water.”
― Elizabeth Gilbert

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