We won!

The WI won the cup for the best stall at Village Day!
The theme was "Farmyard Frolics" and we had made cutouts of two large sheep, dressed with white "fleece" and sporting red rosettes. We had small cutout animals and rosettes decorating the stall, and pots of meadow flowers. People were buying cakes long before the official start of the event, but we didn't let them take them away until after the judges had been round. All money raised goes to the Community Association for the upkeep of the hall.
We had been there for several hours before the show officially opened when the procession led by a jazz band entered the field behind the village, having paraded down the High Street and past the church. Playgroups and primary schools paraded, all dressed up, some as farmers and some as farm animals. There are so many children and buggies that it gets very congested.
I had made "Best in Show" banners in hopeful anticipation, and was so delighted we were able to display them! We would have liked to display the cup too, but the organisers had lost it!

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