What do you think?

We've had this Buddha for years.

He's sat on the same log for years.

He has his offering underneath him, its a 5p. Apparently a Buddha should have an offering of some sort be it a sweet or a coin. So ours has a coin.

He's lovely is our little Buddha he's like a Henry hoover and always has a smile on his face.

Today tho his smile is different he's almost having a giggle. He did this two years ago when I trimmed the hedge, it was a little overgrown and he was having a struggle to see out but he still continued to smile. Today after trimming the hedge again I am certain he is laughing again as he did then.

I can see his little belly and his shoulders going up and down as happens in those fits of giggles that you try to keep silent.

Yes, he's definitely giggling. What do you think?

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