
I seem to have missed hitting the publish button last night. Luckily I saved my write up and photo.
I slept in this morning and I’d like to say it felt great but I woke up feeling like there were things I should have been doing. So you would think that I would have hustled to have my cup of coffee and get dressed but nooooo. I sat on the sofa with my coffee and my iPad and didn’t move for over an hour. I guess I figured I had a late start to the day anyway so what would an another hour matter.
After getting dressed my husband and I took a walk. We walked all through the neighborhood admiring other people’s gardens. I took a picture of this clematis growing on someone’s lamppost. You have to look closely to see the light fixture. The entire thing was covered in blossoms. It looked beautiful on their front lawn.
After our walk we did a few things around the house and then went to sit in the yard with our books. A very relaxing day with great weather too.

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