
By middaypyjamas

Eyes, Whiskers and Nose

This face belongs to Morrie; my friend, rabbit, and licker of noses. He is adorable, and open to doing the odd modelling shoot every now and again. So the lesson of the day is: If the end of the day comes and you don't have a blip, enlist the help of your trusty pet rabbit. If you don't have a pet rabbit, I suggest you get one right away, now if possible.

I had a pretty great day today. I woke up early, did some exercises and was feeling pretty good. I then headed over to highpoint to look for some new running shoes as my current ones are starting to wear out. While there I also thought to look in at target as I also wanted to get some new tracksuit pants. They were having some kind of 'Autumn Sale' with a tonne of stuff half price. I ended up walking out of there with a lot more than I was planning to, but to be honest I was happy that I had managed to restrain myself to the armload of stuff I did get as I could have happily gone bananas in there.

Back home and I did quite a bit of reading of a book called 'Into the Woods' by John Yorke. It's a look at a universal structure that seems to underlie all stories, with it focusing mostly on screenplays. A really terrific read that goes into why we tell stories, why this universal structure seems to exists in all stories (from a five year olds made up story all the way to Shakespeare), and the history of storytelling. Like I said a really good read, not only for writers but for anyone. Also as he uses the film 'Being John Malkovich as an example a lot throughout the book (humorously because the screenwriter, Charlie Kaufman, said that he doesn't believe in structure when writing and he continuously uses it as example to prove that believe it or not, it's there), I decided to watch that.

Like I said, a pretty great day.

- Damian

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