Budgie Smugglers.

Well as you can guess we went to M & S this morning to do our food shop. As we came out of the food hall J went to look at the shoes and i had to mind the trolley. You will not believe how long it took me to take this blip .If J had seen me he would have been mortified. I hid behind a pillar and had to check that no one was looking. I expect you are wondering why i would want to take a blip of a model in his pants! Well the answer to that is , because i thought it was fun. Sometimes life can be so serious that you have to have a laugh. When i told J the title he had never heard of it. I will have to educate him. ( he's wondering how i knew this ) We had a coffee and a snack and then we called back in Cowbridge and had a quick look around. We are having a stir fry for our meal tonight with strawberries and clotted cream , washed down with a glass of red. Let the weekend begin.

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