From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

The odd couple....

How about a Friday quickie?

It's been a long week and I'd better hurry up tonight before I doze off!

Thank you to all you lovely people who gave me hearts and stars for yesterday's little cutie which sent him briefly into the spotlight. That is a lovely way to start a Friday!

I was full of sweetness and light after that as the next person to ring up found out.

'Good morning Madam! How are you today?' asked the syrupy voice at the other end.
'What's it got to do with you?' I asked.
'Heeheehee!' *fake hysterical laughter* 'I just wanted to ask you a question, Madam!'
'You already have,' and then I banged the phone down.

I hope he didn't want to ask me what I was going to spend the million pounds on he was about to tell me I'd just won....

Anyway, it was another busy day and I didn't go out to the garden until after ten. Also it was raining for much of the day and I had to time it for between the showers. There was a massive thunderstorm in the afternoon - no lightning though - and I had to put the lights on it went so dark.

I didn't take many pictures today but this picture of one of the squirrels sitting on my poor gargoyle struck me as rather funny.

Go large!

Track? Gary Moore tonight - Still Got The Blues

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