From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

Trouble in paradise...

Greetings from Ayr!

This is another quick one as I'm heading out soon. I took this picture before leaving this morning.

Go large!

I'm expecting to arrive back to Brum next Sunday to blood and feathers everywhere! Eric (on the left) and Lucky (on the right) are just not seeing eye to eye at the moment. I know that you are thinking if they stood on the same level, they might manage better, but seriously, they haven't been getting on well for the past week now.

Eric is the most mild mannered pigeon you could wish to meet even though he is not fond of young starlings who generally plop on him and make lots of noise! I'm sad to say that Lucky has become rather bad tempered lately and keeps taking swipes at poor Eric who just takes it.

I am seriously thinking of changing Lucky's name to Luis, as like Luis Suarez, he has started pecking other birds, especially poor Eric! I know you all think I am completely bonkers but never mind, I'm harmless!

Anyway, mom has not stopped talking since I arrived and I have read the same line three time now. Earlier, soon after I arrived, an undentified bird as I couldn't see him on the roof above us plopped down the living room window. Get this! Mom blamed me! Well, I clearly didn't do it but she reckons I knows who did! It's definitely time to go to the pub....

Track? Well, here's a great one from Tinsley Ellis this evening. Having just watched the penalties between Chilli and Brazil, I am mildly pleased that Brazil are through to the next round. I don't think they'll go much further to be honest but for now anyway, they are Still In The Game

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